Carrot Cake

by - April 04, 2018

On Easter this past week, my husband, Mitch, had a craving for some good carrot cake. I (of course) didn't have all the ingredients, but I promised him I would make it after my next trip to the store. Well today was that day, and lo and behold my three layer carrot cake. I decided to keep it simple. No nuts, pineapple, coconut, or raisins. Just soft, spice-filled layers of orange goodness. The frosting was super yum, and probably my favorite part. I used my usual soft cream cheese frosting, but added just a tablespoon of sour cream. YUM! Definitely one of the tastiest cakes I've made this year.

Things I have learned from this cake:

  1. You always need more frosting than you think -- Not necessarily for taste, but definitely for decoration. 
  2. PLAN OUT YOUR CAKES. I thought I was doing this, but there were a few times during this cake baking process, that I realized I wasn't very organized or that I had overlooked a few things (like needing extra frosting and therefore extra frosting ingredients.
  3. There is beauty is simplicity.

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